Culver Chamber + Culver Main Street | Conference Presenters

The Culver Chamber of Commerce and Culver Second Century Main Street are proud to announce their selection as presenters at the Great Lakes Main Street Conference. On behalf of both organizations, Tracy Fox will discuss the benefits of rural communities creating financial partnerships amongst their organizations, such as the current partnership of Culver’s Chamber and Main Street. Additionally, several members of both organizations plan to attend the two-day conference. Post-conference, The Chamber and Main Street will hold info sessions for anyone interested to learn more.

“The conference will explore techniques and practices for downtown revitalization and economic development in our communities,” said Jodi Golden, Executive Director of OCRA. “Communities will hear success stories, best practices and innovations from experts from the field focusing on the National Main Street model. We are thrilled to offer an opportunity for our Midwest Main Street partners who may not have the ability to attend the national conference.”

Organized by OCRA, Oakland County Michigan Main Street Program and Downtown South Bend, the conference will bring together leaders in downtown and historic commercial district revitalization from all over the Great Lakes region to highlight asset-based strategies to community and economic development. The conference is scheduled for Sunday, August 18 through Tuesday, August 20 in downtown South Bend, Ind.

Multi-track sessions will occur throughout the two-day conference focusing on sustainability, economic vitality and cultivating quality places. Local tours and networking opportunities are also components of the conference.

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